I believe I can help you learn to enjoy your life.

With Life Energy Flow Tai Yi, the most powerful method for hands-on energy healing in the world.
Enjoying Life

Stop the habit or behavior that is causing you pain.

Discover how it serves you and the necessary steps to overcome it.

Get the things that you want.

Learn why you may be hindering yourself from achieving your desires and what fresh decisions you must make on a daily basis to attain them.

Improve your physical health.

Learn to respect your physical body by making choices that support it. Come to realize that your physical body has always supported you in this life.

Examples of Tai Yi Exercises

8th Level of Fearful Anger

For someone who has anger and damage to the body, such as damage to their heart, kidneys, or gall-bladder. This exercise is not for direct physical healing. It is to stop the destructive energy of anger so the body can heal itself.

Animalistic Nature of Pain

Helps to heal the conscious pain created by the issues of our conflict with the animalistic nature. Helps to heal the animalistic nature/pattern in the brain. The exercise works with the mind to transcend the energy of the animalistic nature in the brain and is not solely a physical exercise.

Artificial Beliefs

You have been lied to, believed the lies, and created beliefs based on those lies. Find out what beliefs you hold that are based on lies.

Artificial Self

You have formed a false identity based on the artificial beliefs you have accepted. Figure out what this false identity is based upon and start to dismantle it so you can be your genuine self.

Birthing the Child

For those who experienced spiritual abuse or brainwashing as a child

Conflict of Path

To identify counterfeit journeys, alleviate confusion about your path, and help you find passion for your path.

Create Understanding Within Self

For those who want to understand why you have a particular issue or problem.

Disturbed Patterns

To identify patterns that lead to pain and disease. What triggers you and why?

I Have Questions About Tai Yi

Tai Yi is different from Tai Chi, the martial art. Its full name is Life Energy Flow Tai Yi, meaning Supreme Movement or Supreme Health. Your body has meridians, or channels, that direct the flow of energy in your body. When energy flows correctly through these meridians, you are healthy. Tai Yi helps ensure that energy flows through your meridians in a healthy way.

Tai Yi works like a recipe. Specific energy techniques are used for a set amount of time and in a particular order to achieve a specific result.

The practitioner must perform the exercise perfectly and send clean Universal Energy.  The client must be willing to receive and use the energy.

1. Wear loose clothing like a sweat suit, no need to undress for Tai Yi.
2. Arrive rested, relaxed, and know what to expect for your Tai Yi appointment.
3. Before you begin your appointment, remove all metal jewelry, belts, and shoes.
4. Take the rest of the day to relax after your Tai Yi session. Don’t rush back to work, let the energy sink in. Prioritize your healing, it’s your time.
5. Tai Yi is a powerful healing tool. Understand your session’s purpose to work with the energy effectively.
6. After your appointment, Tai Yi energy integrates for another 3-7 days. Your practitioner will guide you on your timing.
7. Avoid disrupting the grid points, don’t apply more than 1-1.5 pounds of pressure to your grid, light pats on the back are fine. Bathing or showering won’t disturb the grid points.
8. Avoid hot tubs, whirlpools, chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, or other body work during energy integration. Get these done before your appointment if needed.
9. Respect yourself, your time, your money, and the Tai Yi energy received. Make choices aligned with your healing.

I believe I can help you learn to enjoy your life.

I’m dedicated to helping you discover greater enjoyment in life by addressing any obstacles that may be holding you back. Whether they are physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual, I am here to support you in overcoming them and paving the way for a more fulfilling life.

I’m excited to share with you the amazing healing potential of Life Energy Flow Tai Yi, a powerful hands-on healing modality.

Are you ready for real joy in your life?

Schedule your appointment now!